How do I create a report?
And what happens next?

On this page you will find helpful information to ensure your day runs smoothly with connectavo.
Take your maintenance to the next level, whether in industry, municipalities or hospitality and hotels.

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Tutorial 1: Creating a Maintenance Report

Whether you're dealing with machinery or fleet vehicles, little jobs will come up every day. Katharina will show you how quick and easy it is to create a maintenance report in connectavo.
Maintenance processes are simplified and failures avoided.

Our example here is about a tire with too little tread depth. It needs to be changed as a matter of urgency.

Step 1: Specify the asset
In the connectavo app, the user can create a report by tapping the plus icon at the top right of the screen. They then have to specify the asset. The asset describes which item the report is about and is unique for every maintenance item. The asset is either specified manually or by scanning a QR code. The QR code must have already been attached to the vehicle. The app then imports the data straightaway.

Step 2: Describe the problem
Once the asset has been selected, we move on to step 2: describing the problem. The user simply enters the name in the input field and, if they want, adds a comment too. They can attach a photo or document by tapping the Attachments button.  

Step 3: Submit
The final step is to save the report. The message has now been sent off and the responsible user has been notified. Each asset is assigned to the team responsible for it. So it is easy to communicate maintenance problems and implement maintenance measures quickly.

Tutorial 2: From a Report to a Work Order

After the asset has been created in the first step and the problem has been described, the malfunctions now need to be rectified. The maintenance process continues as follows:

Accept and assign reports
Responsible users can view which reports have been submitted via the Reports menu item. The report is accepted by clicking on the green tick. It can now be assigned to a responsible employee.

The user can now enter the due date, estimated duration of the work and a priority, along with other details, on the input screen.

Create the work order
The user creates the work order by clicking on Save. The work order also appears in the asset's overview file, as you can see here for the vehicle. Individual assets can be selected and edited in the overview.

For example, the user can change the responsible employee. The tire change and inspection can be completed in the same work step.

Tutorial 3: Completing an Order

The report has been submitted, edited and is now in its final stages. The responsible team member can view the orders assigned to them under the corresponding menu item.

In our example, the car needs to be picked up from the repair shop. The user taps the report and the clock icon to start recording their working time.

On returning from the repair shop, the user stops recording their working time really easily by tapping the clock icon again.

Digital records instead of piles of paper
Lost invoices and papers are a thing of the past thanks to digital data entry. The tire change is logged via the Input Costs field and the invoice is attached as a photo.

Then the user simply saves their entries and goes back to the report. To close the report, the user changes the status from "Open" to "Done". A digital signature completes the order.

With connectavo, you can not only manage your jobs, you can also add supporting data and documents and record the working time spent on them.
That's how simple maintenance can be!